Earlier this year, tests were being conducted on Instagram’s platform to allow users to add “links” to their “Stories” in the form of “stickers”, predicting the expiration date of the popular “Swipe Up” feature.
Now, “Swipe Up”, which was the only transfer way to an external website within the platform, can be considered a thing of the past, as from August 30, Instagram intends to withdraw the feature.
According to Instagram, users will use “stickers” in “Stories” that will incorporate the “link” they wish their “followers” to go to. With this action, the platform’s development team looks forward to simplifying the experience and control of the creators of “Stories”.
As “Techgear.gr” broadcasts, the test of this feature began last June, and the former “head of Instagram product”, Vishal Shah, said that the choice of “stickers” is more in line with the way users operate on the platform. He also noted that the main difference between “Swipe Up” and “Stickers” —which are expected to be used— lies in the fact that in the former the viewers of “Stories” weren’t able to respond, while with “Stickers” this is now possible.
Currently, users selected during the trial period of the new feature of “Stickers” with built-in “links” will benefit from the feature, committing to being widely available to other Instagram users based on the “feedback” they receive.
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