How to get the most out of your old smartphone

Data show that smartphones worldwide are down significantly from the previous year, with 3.2%. Nor has the launch of the iPhone 11 helped substantially in the opposite direction, with consumers increasingly prolonging the life of their old cellphone. At the same time, mid-range smartphones have the largest market share, with Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

‎New artificial intelligence system detects small brain hemorrhages better than radiologists‎

Researchers in the US developed a new artificial intelligence algorithm, which manages better than experienced radiologists in detecting small cerebral bleeding.‎‎ This development is expected to ‎‎help physicians in the future to diagnose and better treat patients with head injuries, strokes and aneurysms.‎ The new system can relieve radiologists from Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

‎”Pythia” reads better than people half-ruined ancient Greek inscriptions‎

Researchers at Deep Mind, Google’s subsidiary artificial Intelligence company‎‎, led by a Greek, have created “Pythia”, a “smart” system that seems to do better than people expert at reading half-destroyed inscriptions in ancient Greek. The fully automated system, the first of its kind in the world, fills in the missing Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Smart headphones with Google’s signature

“Google Pixel Buds”‎‎ brings the convenience of ‎‎”Google Assistant”‎‎ directly to your ears‎‎, ‎‎without‎‎ the need to use ‎‎wires‎‎. ‎ The “Google Pixel Buds” fit easily to all ears, and their design allows them to stay firmly in place, without having to worry about the owner losing them even if Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Stalkerware: So easily someone can “trap” our smartphone

Large increase‎‎ show attempts to install ‎‎ ‎‎”Stalkerware”‎‎, ie software through which someone ‎‎monitors‎‎ ‎‎messages‎‎, ‎‎photos‎‎, ‎‎social media‎‎, ‎‎GPS‎‎, ‎‎recordings‎‎ or ‎‎cameras‎‎ on the victim’s smartphone, in some cases even in real time.‎ ‎Over 37,000 such attempts were recorded from January to august 2019‎‎, a figure corresponding to ‎‎an increase Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Your attention; your boss can read your emails

If you work ‎‎in a company that uses the paid version of Google’s G Suite and the products it provides‎‎, such as Gmail, Docs, Drive, Calendar, etc., you should be very careful.‎ ‎This is because ‎‎the company has full access to everything you do on these platforms‎‎, including ‎‎even your Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

“Smart” T-shirt monitors breathing, heart, lungs

A “smart” T-shirt that accurately monitors breathing and lung function by sensing chest and abdominal movements was presented by Dutch researchers at an international conference of the European Pulmonary Society in Madrid. The‎ ‎innovative T-shirt called “Hexoskin“ which sends data online in a mobile app, can be utilized in patients Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Amazon introduces a new way of communicating with Alexa

At a ‎‎last event‎‎, Amazon announced it would sell a limited amount of its new, experimental gadgets. The titles are “Day 1 Editions” and the news is that not everyone will be able to get them, but only anyone who receives an invitation from the company. Based on consumer reviews Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

‎Attention! New scam on WhatsApp: If you see this message erase it immediately! (pics‎)

At risk users of the popular application.‎ ‎At risk are the users of the application ‎‎”WhatsApp”‎‎ ‎since -according to what the ‎‎British “Sun” reports– ‎‎hackers have found a way to ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎”invade”‎‎ ‎‎the application‎‎ and, by extension, mobile phones stealing personal data.‎ ‎In order to prevent this from happening‎‎, Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Google now allows incognito browsing on Maps

New features to facilitate users’ privacy and security, Google announced, including expanding both its “incognito” use of its applications and the option of automatically deleting location history, searches and other user activity. “Incognito mode” appeared in the Chrome Web Browser in 2018, earlier this year it was added to YouTube Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

‎Used hard disks on the market still have old data…‎

Technology market data shows that those who sell their old hard disks forget to remove their data from there. An overwhelming percentage of hard disks sold on services like eBay seem to carry the data of their previous owners, which is surprising, since here we are dealing with photos, documents Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Artificial skin that provides the sense of touch

Scientists from EPFL (Switzerland) developed‎‎ a ‎‎soft artificial skin‎‎ that ‎‎provides‎‎ a ‎‎sense of touch‎‎ and has the ‎‎ability to adapt to the movements of the wearer‎‎; Paving the way for ‎‎the use of this new technology in a wide range of applications‎‎, from medical rehabilitation to virtual reality. ‎ Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …