How often you should clear your browser history

“Protection of personal data”, a phrase we constantly see on TV, read in newspapers, hear on the radio and is mentioned in every other line in the newsfeed of social media. However, we usually do nothing about it. A typical example is the following: The “browsing history” of the “browsers” Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

End titles in 2022 for Internet Explorer

The Web browser  “Internet Explorer”  will “expire”, after almost  27 years of life, and it will not reappear in versions of “Windows 10” after June 15, 2022, according to Microsoft. Discontinuing support also means that the company will not release periodic security updates for “Explorer”. The once hugely popular browser appeared in 1995 with “Windows 95” and between 2000-2005 had Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

How often you should clear the browser history

‎”Protection of personal data”‎‎, a phrase we see on TV all the time, we read it in the newspapers, we hear it on the radios and it is mentioned in every second line in the newsfeed of social media. ‎ However, we usually do nothing about it. A typical example Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Mozilla wants to launch a new version of Firefox every month

Starting next year, Firefox, one of the most popular browsers globally, is expected to get a new version every four weeks. This is the design announced by Mozilla for the upgrade packages that Firefox will receive, while making it clear that with this method ‎‎there will be a completely new Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Firefox browser enters the Virtual Reality era

Firefox browser shows the tools it will use to enter into the era of Virtual Reality, as is the so-called Firefox Reality browser. “Firefox Reality browser” can work in “virtual” and “augmented“ reality hardware, supporting “voice navigation features”. With the help of the “Firefox Reality browser”, one can see in other “interface” the classic content we encounter on the “World Wide Web”, as well as the content created Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

New malware empties bank accounts!

ESET researchers have discovered a new bank malware, BackSwap, which uses an unusual technique to bypass special protection measures of popular browsers. Malware, which ESET detects and blocks as Win32 / BackSwap.A, attacks through Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, while in recent releases its creators added attack and Internet Explorer features. Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

How to protect yourself from the bugs of the processors

©Provided by: The revelations about the security loopholes discovered in CPUs and laptops, as well as the ARM’s SoC on smartphones, tablets and game consoles, dare to say that they are probably the poorest point in the history of information technology. Not the revelations themselves, of course, but the Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Mozilla “collects” voices to make a new speech recognition program

© Provided by: PROTO THEMA S.A. Mozilla “collects” voices to make a new speech recognition program Everyone can -the last few days- “download” on his computer hundreds of thousands of voice samples already collected by the “Mozilla Foundation” under the new project of “Common Voice”. This is an open source Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Firefox Quantum: The new Mozilla browser

© Firefox Quantum was launched on November 14th. As Mark Mayo, vice president of Mozilla, wrote in a blogpost, has been the biggest update since Firefox 1.0 was launched in 2004. Greater speed with less memory promises Mozilla with its new browser, Firefox Quantum, which has which has caused Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Mozilla Firefox 55 comes with WebVR capabilities!

© Provided by: The latest version of Mozilla Firefox is now available and one of its main features is WebVR capabilities. The latest version of Mozilla’s browser is 55th and has been released to the public worldwide since August 8th. Together with Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

The Firefox Focus browser also comes for Android!

The Firefox Focus browser was available on iOS-enabled devices and is now coming to Android. Mozilla Firefox Focus is a varied version of the Firefox browser that offers special security features along with the special action button that allows you to instantly clear your web browsing history every time you Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …