iPhone: Security gap from 2018 found cyber-security company

A security gap in the operating system of Apple’s iPhones and iPads devices, which may have exposed hundreds of millions of users to the risk of hackers brought to light by US cyber-security company ZecOps. Apple has announced that the relevant “patch” that will fix the problem will be included in the next update of its iOS software. The Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Online shopping is good, but it should definitely be done safely

Visa offers a number of useful tips for all those who choose e-commerce during quarantine. Online shopping is the norm in the months when the country’s population stays at home, so it is advisable to follow some simple but basic safety rules, according to Visa. Now, even the supply of a household with basic goods can Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

How to find your cell phone when it is in silent mode

Don’t go at random, there’s a trick. We’ve all been in a similar situation. Looking for our cell phone and not remembering where we put it. And the worst part? Call it from the landline and not listen to it because it’s in silent mode! But the point is: What do Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

How to troubleshoot problems with the internet at home

At a time when traffic restrictions have led to the decongestion of roads and public transport, quarantine, mass work from home and tele education are now causing a relative bottleneck in telecommunications networks. So if our network or line have other underlying problems that we had not identified or resolved earlier, Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Google: Video call improvement with artificial intelligence

Google hopes to end low-quality video calls by using artificial intelligence to fill audio gaps caused by bad connections.  As the BBC reports, “WaveNetEQ” works by using a “library” of speech data to fill in short discussion sections in a realistic/plausible way. Artificial intelligence is trained to produce mainly syllable sounds and can fill gaps of up to 120 milliseconds. This development Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Tips for the proper use of group meeting applications

With the arrival of the new coronavirus, new conditions emerged, not only for the fulfillment of our professional obligations, but also for some very basic, family and social contacts. “In times like these, people are mostly looking for comfortable and easy ways to keep in touch with their loved ones Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Artificial Intelligence system automatically translates people’s brain activity into sentences!

Scientists went one step further to create machines that understand what a human being is saying, analyzing only his brain cells and then automatically converting his sentences into written text. Researchers in the US have developed an artificial intelligence algorithm that can decode the brain’s neuronal activity and translate it Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …