Viber is being updated and introduces the new instantaneous chat

A new exciting chat experience with messages sent and delivered at twice the speed and instant messaging status updates offers Viber to its users. The popular messaging application introduces the new chatting experience by offering to its 1 billion registered users the ability to exchange messages at twice the speed. In addition, Viber presents the new and improved Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

In the “pipeline” competitor of Youtube from Facebook

In particular, as transmits, according to Fiji Simo, VP of Facebook, the new Watch platform was designed based on the idea that video watch does not need to be a passive experience. “You can chat with your friends about the content of the shows, other fans or even the Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Facebook Messenger Kids allows you to add contacts

Essentially, the updated Facebook Messenger Kids will allow its minor users to add contacts to their list. The special application is designed for children while giving parents the ability to control their children’s online communication. So far, parents have been the only ones who could add contacts to their children’s lists, but this Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Robotic exoskeleton with artificial intelligence from LG

As the company says, unlike previous robots such as the Guide Robot, the Cleaning Robot, and the Serving Robot, the “LG CLOi SuitBot” does not navigate alone on hotel corridors and airport spaces, but instead supports and strengthens the legs of the user, increasing his agility and the strength of his lower limbs. LG last year invested Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Facebook augmented reality ads

Facebook is experimenting with the world of “augmented reality” in the form of enhanced ads that will show to all users. Already the world’s most popular social network has announced that it has begun experimenting with this form of advertising, which it is expected to place in the near future on Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

How your Instagram photos show if you have depression

Every time we post something to Instagram, many of us choose different filters that make the photos more daring and artistic. But while you do not think about the editing you do in them, it can show a lot about your mental health.   One of them is depression. It is not the first time Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Google gave control of cooling its data centers into artificial intelligence

According to MIT Technology Review, in recent years, Google has been testing an algorithm that “learns” how to better adapt the operation of its cooling systems to reduce energy consumption. This system previously operated by making recommendations to data center managers, who decided whether or not to follow them, resulting in a 40% energy savings in these systems. Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

7 incredible uses of 3D printing technology in the real world

What is 3D printing? The printing of 3D began in the 1980s when Chuck Hull designed and printed a small glass. The 3D printed article created from a digital file and a printer which puts successive material layers until the creation of the object is complete. It uses less material than traditional construction. Most materials Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

The new iPhone will incorporate an important feature

According to the “Chinese Economic Daily News”, Apple has signed a deal with Taiwanese Elan, which manufactures and supplies styles for smart touchscreen devices. The second-generation iPhone X and iPhone X Plus are, according to the same information, about to obtain the ability to use the stylus, the “Apple Pen”. Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Wi-fi for the detection of weapons and bombs

More commonly used Wi-Fi technology could be used to locate weapons and explosives found in public places, according to a research led by Rutgers University in New Jersey, USA. As the BBC says, researchers claim that wireless signals can penetrate bags to be used for dimensional measurements of metallic objects Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Foreshadow: Third major security gap in Intel processors

Intel has already released a “patch” limiting the problem, which concerns “chips” made after 2015, according to the BBC and the Reuters agency. The US company, however, has reassured it, saying on the one hand that it does not know reports of a real cyber-violation in its processors and that Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

An artificial intelligence system makes neurological diagnoses in record time

Researchers in the US have successfully tested a new artificial intelligence system to test brain imaging and diagnose acute brain conditions such as stroke, bleeding, and hydrocephalus. The system takes just 1.2 seconds -far less than doctors- to get it diagnosed. The scientists and physicians at the Medical School and Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Robots that move by pumping energy from… popcorn

 “The purpose of our lab is to try to make very minimalist robots that, when used in large numbers, can do great things”, says Petersen, who supervises Cornell’s Collective Embodied Intelligence Lab. “Simple robots are cheap and less prone to damage and wear, so we can have many to operate Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Google’s new smartest Android 9 Pie is released

Android 9 Pie (Pie or Tart) is the ultimate name (originally known as Android P). Google has traditionally selected sweet names for Android (Oreo, Nougat, Jelly Bean, Kit Kat, Lollipop, Marshmallow). Pie allows mobile users, among other things, to set time limits on the use of various apps so they Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Netflix simplifies the user interface with a new navigation bar

Netflix simplifies its user interface by adding a new sidebar control panel that offers quick access to the right icons. Redesign reminds you a bit of the YouTube TV user interface as it makes it easier to access objects you previously scrolled to the top to find them. As announced, Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …