Facebook is paid by you and you do like

In recent years, the most popular social media tool in the world, has faced many difficulties. One of them, and perhaps the most important, is the inability to convince users that their personal data are enclosed by a firewall and not shared with companies, governments and secret services. The scourge Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Apple wants to teach Siri not to… overhear its users

Apple seems ready to temporarily stop a worldwide program that allows third-party contractors to hear recorded requests from Apple product users to popular digital assistant “Siri”. The reason that seems to have led Apple to this move is that third parties choose to listen to the conversations and questions that Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Robotic walking stick for people with mobility problems

Researchers at Columbia University in the City of New York have created a robotic walking stick that can help older people and people with mobility problems. The team, led by Sunil Agrawal, a professor at Columbia Engineering, demonstrated for the first time the benefits of using an autonomous robot that Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Android 10: Google “breaks” tradition in the names of its operating systems

A long tradition of names for versions of its Android operating system has broken Google: So far, the company has given different versions of pastry names (“Android Oreo”, “Android KitKat”, “Android Gingerbread” and so on). However, this is changing to the new version as Android Q becomes “simply” Android 10. Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Facebook wants to read the human mind

‎For some time now, Facebook has ceased to know just where we are, who we are with and what we do.‎‎ It is not enough to ‎‎recognize our personal preferences and activities‎‎. These may be known ‎‎by any technological application based on our likes‎‎, to ‎‎whom we follow and communicate Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Russian humanoid robot Fedor ready to be launched to the International Space Station

A Russian humanoid robot named Fedor performs the final tests and prepares to launch at the International Space Station, from Baikonur Cosmodrome on August 22, with a Soyuz rocket carrying the unmanned Soyuz craft MS-114 along with the robot.‎ Fedor (Final Experimental Demonstration Research) is about 1.83 meters high, weighs Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Robot-“MacGyver” makes its own tools

Researchers at Georgia Tech’s “Robot Autonomy and Interactive Learning (RAIL)” successfully trained a robot to create its own basic tools by combining objects. This development is an important step towards more ‘intelligent’ machines capable of producing advanced tools that could be useful in hazardous environments. The whole “philosophy” is reminiscent Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Yes; Facebook listens and transcribes users’ voicemails

New scandal upsets Facebook Inc. after revealing that it was transcribing audio clips sent by users through the colossus services. A report in the financial newspaper Bloomberg reports that the company is paying thousands of outside partners to transcribe the voicemails of users. Some of these employees, who spoke anonymously Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Artificial intelligence predicts which films will succeed and which not

The anxiety of the actors, director and production company about whether their film will do well in the box office when it is released may be diminished in the future, as artificial intelligence promises to reduce uncertainty (and) in this area. On the other hand, some films will probably never Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Plato: Uber researchers’ smart interactive systems platform (led by Greek)

“Plato” is the name of the platform for intelligent interactive systems developed by Uber artificial intelligence researchers in the US, led by a Greek scientist. Smart interactive systems have been significantly developed in recent decades, with the most prominent example being the smart personal digital assistants (type “Siri” or “Cortana”), Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Instagram: Advertising Agency Stored User Stories – Facebook’s ‘Answer’

Facebook is almost coming back to face a Cambridge Analytica-sized scandal, as an advertising agency has infiltrated the personal data of millions of users. The company-colossus blocked the Hyp3r ad following a revealing report by Business Insider, which said the company violated Instagram’s Terms of Use, collecting significant amounts of Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

New services from Google Maps that will make your vacation easier

Not only do Google Maps help us navigate and explore, they are also a powerful companion for our travels. The company has announced a series of tools that help simplify every step of our journey, from guiding us to a city we haven’t visited, to helping us relive the experience Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Fake FaceApp applications ‘infect’ users with adware

At this time, where users are adopting fashion because it is fun or just trendy, FOMO (Fear Of Messing Out), that is, fear of losing trends, can overshadow basic safety habits; such as licensing control requesting an application. A recent survey by cybersecurity firm Kaspersky found that the majority (63%) Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Will human brains merge into the cloud sometime?

The age of the Internet of Things is rising, when all machines and objects, both fixed and moving, will be “smart” and will communicate with one another behind the back of people. Artificial intelligence and the development of fifth generation (5G) networks are the two key technologies that drive developments Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

‎Program understands the fake smiles‎

A program capable of understanding false facial expressions was developed by University of Bradford researchers. By analyzing the movement of a smile on a person’s face, the software can determine whether the expression is authentic or not. The most important movements that the software detects occur around the eyes; thus Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …

Google Play Store 16.0.15: New update tries to permanently remove malwares

Android users have access to millions of mobile games and great apps thanks to the Google Play Store. Even though the Google Play Store has recently encountered some difficulties due to the malware detected in the applications, the MVP for Android users remains. Update of Google Play Store 16.0.15 First Διαβάστε Περισσότερα …