How to make your passwords stronger for greater safety

© How to make your passwords stronger for greater safety

As the frequency of violations and massive personal data theft is steadily rising, users are more than ever asked to be very familiar with the creation of many but powerful passwords. Even today, a large percentage of users have not understood the importance of creating a secure password.

According to recent data from the United Kingdom National Cyber ​​Security Center, more than 23.2 million account violations used the password “123456”, while 7.7 million users used the password “123456789”. In any case, dual or multiple agent (2FA / MFA) certification technologies significantly enhance protection, however, the need for unique and robust passwords does not stop being a priority for account safety.

According to ESET, the first step in creating secure passwords is users to avoid using just one word, and especially English, and prefer the use of a phrase or string of words that is not easy to imagine, or normally does not would appear side by side in a sentence.

Since avoiding words in the dictionary will increase the power of the password, a good idea is for users to use words they have devised. It is also important for users to remember that the passwords are personal, not disclosed and that a single password is required for each account.

For users who have difficulty remembering a composite password, ESET recommends using a trusted password manager. Generally, the main rule is that the larger the password, the more secure. Special characters may also be used, which if they are inserted at different places -mixed with the normal characters, and not only in the end- the
password becomes more powerful.

Using personal data as a password is also a common practice that can compromise security, as in this case the passwords may resemble the username.

In addition, if a cybercriminal has managed to steal the user’s personal information (either from Facebook or otherwise), it will be even easier for him to guess the password.

To this end, ESET advises users to change their passwords regularly, having in mind that the more importantly the data being protected, the more often they need to change the password.
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