The internet allows you to connect with others, be creative and discover new things. However, to use it responsibly, creatively and safely you should follow rules of “good behavior”.
Our online reputation results from our digital footprint, i.e. from the content we create, publish and “share” but also from all that other users publish about us.
Your digital footprint can be positive or negative, and it affects how we are treated or will be treated in the future by other internet users.
Protecting our online reputation is very important. Below are 5 simple steps that if we follow them, we will learn how to manage it correctly and responsibly.
Search for yourself online:
Do you know what’s on the internet for you? Do a simple search with your name to see what you might find. If you discover something you are not so proud of, start the process of removing that content. Remember that if your pages are displayed on Facebook and Twitter then you can change this using the special settings.
Check your personal security settings:
Make sure you know what information you are sharing on the websites you use, especially on social networks. Most social networks have special settings where you can define who can see the content you share and with whom you share it. You can choose, if you wish, to have your posts shared with your online friends or followers or displayed publicly. Keep in mind that the posts of your online friends also affect your digital footprint.
Think before you post:
Before you “upload” your friend’s funny picture to the Internet or comment on someone on Twitter, ask yourself if you would like that content to be seen by everyone: friends, family, tomorrow’s employers. Would you be okay with someone else posting this content for you? You should be sure of the content of your posts since once they are “up” on the internet, they stay there forever.
Disable and delete:
When you stop using a social network or a website it is good to deactivate and delete your page. This way the content of the entire page is deleted and untraceable on the internet. At the same time, you eliminate the possibility of your pages being hacked by someone without your knowledge.
Create a positive digital footprint:
The more interaction a person has in a digital environment, the bigger their digital footprint. The best way to protect your online reputation is to use your time online creatively and thereby ensure a positive digital footprint.
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