Gmail: New filters make it easier to search for old emails

Gmail: New filters make it easier to search for old emails
© Shutterstock

Google is introducing a new feature in “Gmail” for “Android” users, which will allow them to instantly and easily locate their emails, based on the new search filters it added to the app.

The new filters that were added appear directly below the search bar.

As shown in the screenshot, the new feature allows users to find “emails” based on the sender, recipient, date of sent, and more. 

In order to activate the filter they want, they only have to tap a specific category and finalize their choice.


Using the new feature, they can search for “emails” based on a combination of multiple filters, or group them with a search query to further narrow the results.

As “” reports, the new search filters in “Gmail” for “Android” have already started to be released for “Workspace” users; however, because the feature will be released gradually, they may arrive by the end of October.


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