What are the best times to post on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

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Not all hours and days are the most appropriate to successfully promote your announcements and to pass your message.

Dimitris StragalasHead of Social Media of “Cloudevo” , the fastest-developing company “digital growth” in Greece gives us the answers through the following guide.

“Depending on the channel, there are specific times and days when our content can gather most likes or have the greatest interactivity among users.”


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What is the best time to post on Facebook?

According to surveys the best hours are between 12pm – 4pm and the best time is 9am.

The reason is because at lunchtime Facebook users take a break from their work, so they spend time on their “timeline”.

What are the best days for Facebook posts?

The best days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mainly because we are closer to the weekend and user psychology is “elevated”. The best day in terms of interactivity (comments, likes, shares) as easily can be understood is Friday.


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Instagram has an immediacy with rich photographic and audiovisual material that people use very easily almost any time of day.

However, the best hours of content publishing are from 11am to 1pm, while high rates of interactivity are posted at dawn. Yes. There is no mistake: 2 at dawn as strange as it may sound.

During the day, most posts are made, resulting in a lot of being lost to the bottom of the “timeline” and reducing the chance that the user will come in contact” with them. Instead, you can catch up the competition and post at that time to get to the top of the “timeline” in the morning, when the user checks his account.

The midday is equally good because users want to change every day rootine from work.

The best days are Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The reason is that users want to start loose their week and not go straight to work while Wednesday has the best results because as we said about Facebook, we are getting closer to the weekend and the mood of the users is very good.


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The best times are either at 12 noon or 6-7 in the afternoon. Twitter is ideal for small news and content that the user can easily see particularly after finished work.

The best days are Monday through Thursday especially if we are talking about the B2B” industry.

According to the manager of Cloudevo, it is necessary to check the statistics of our pages in “social media” and do more thorough research in search of what the best days and times are to promote our content.


“The above information is not enough on their own. It is also necessary to be aware of the type of content we intend to publish. We must always seek to find the golden intersection. “


Source: www.protothema.gr

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