How often you should clear the browser history

‎© Provided by Esquire‎

‎”Protection of personal data”‎‎, a phrase we see on TV all the time, we read it in the newspapers, we hear it on the radios and it is mentioned in every second line in the newsfeed of social media. ‎

However, we usually do nothing about it. A typical example is this: The browsing history of the browsers we use contains all the sites we visited, all the destinations we were looking for to go on vacation, when and where we wrote a comment about our group or the political party we support.

In fact, ‎‎browsing history‎‎ doesn’t stop there, but it goes even further. There are ‎‎recordings about the life insurances we have searched for, the treatments or medicines that we or very close people have used,‎‎ there are ‎‎even photographs with our very personal moments.‎‎ In short, ‎‎it is a chronological list that contains everything, all our information.‎

Browser history
‎© Provided by Esquire; Browser History‎

For this reason,‎‎ our browsing history and that of millions of other users are a very interesting statistic.‎‎ In terms of data (e.n.: personal data), it is a valuable asset. The ‎‎big companies offer us -through them- advertisements tailored to our needs,‎‎ so that we cannot resist the temptation. ‎‎Politicians‎‎ -who claim a position in Parliament, or even in the City Council- ‎‎can find out to which users are better and who not to address; who, in other words, are more likely voters.‎

Under normal circumstances‎‎ -and on ‎‎the basis of the GDPR regulation passed pan-European about 18 months ago- this valuable data acquisition is granted only to those we accept to grant it;‎‎ such as ‎‎Google Chrome.‎‎ It in turn ‎‎has no right to grant it to third parties.‎‎ Unfortunately, however -as has been proved by the scandal of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica-‎‎ we ‎‎users can never be sure.‎

Browser history 4
‎© Provided by Esquire; Browser History 4‎

In addition to large companies, ‎‎there are also specialised hackers in Internet scams that aspire to the browsing history of users.‎‎ So, somewhere here, the most important question arises: What can we ‎‎do about it?‎‎ The answer is not simple, as being constantly in Incognito mode in the browser -so that our movements are not recorded- is neither pleasant nor useful.‎

One solution is to erase browsing history. The process for any browser we use (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Explorer) is relatively simple. Take, for example, the most popular web browser, Chrome:

  • Open the browser
  • go to the top right in “Settings”
  • click “History”, and then
  • select “Clear Browsing History”.
  • In the end we can choose what we want and don’t want to erase.

Because, ultimately, ‎‎a clean history makes us much less vulnerable to any malicious activity.‎‎ ‎

How often you need to erase it has to do with how safe you want to feel.‎‎ However, it is advisable to do so at least once a month, as this will make your browser “run” faster.

Source: Esquire IT
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