Dozens of tabs open on our computer: The news is not pleasant at all

Dozens of tabs open on our computer: The news is not pleasant at all
Dozens of tabs open on our computer: The news is not pleasant at all
©Provided by Huffington Post

We may have noticed that because of the heat, our laptop catches fire. Especially when we have it plugged in, we either use it in a very hot environment or accidentally block its air vents with pillows, sheets, blankets, or our body parts. The proper operation of the vents and fan is also hindered by dust, dirt and even crumbs from a hurried meal on top of the keyboard.

Recent research even proves that charging our computer or mobile phone under our pillow during the night and in the heat of the day is associated with an increased risk of fire.

But apart from the high temperatures and the charging process, something that also leads to the overheating of our computer is this huge series of open tabs, which even if they are not useful to us, we stubbornly refuse to press the tiny “x” located on the right edge of each tab.

Too many tabs —in any web browser— lead to overloading your computer’s memory, draining battery life, and of course, a completely cluttered digital workspace that makes us lose our cool and overheats our laptop.

How to keep our laptop cool

  • First, we finally close the tabs we don’t need.
  • Then we limit the brightness, as according to the experts, a brighter screen increases the heat of the device.
  • We make sure to keep our computers clean from dust and dirt.
  • We avoid using extremely power-hungry applications.
  • We avoid forgetting our computer inside the case since we are not moving.
  • We do not leave our laptops on warm surfaces, such as pillows or blankets, blocking the air ducts.
  • We don’t use outdated software.


Huffington Post

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