Taryn Southern -highly successful on the YouTube platform- once took part in talent shows and was trying to work with people. Today Southern boasts synthetic capabilities of her partner, an Artificial Intelligence program (AI), which completed her new album: “I AM AI”.
Southern wrote the melodies and lyrics and then left the program’s algorithms to move on to the next stages of her production. The first example of Human and Artificial Intelligence collaboration is the single “Break Free”, a ballad that could have been synthesized by a successful composer made of bones and tissues.
Is the title symbolic? Maybe. With this alliance, everything is changing in the music industry.
Southern’s musical producer is the product of a startup (company), Amper Music. Amper is only one of the series of Artificial Intelligence programs used by Southern for her album.
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She herself knows only to play piano so she left the musical skills of an AI composer to do the rest.
“Quite strangely, I have a new collaborator in the composition, a tireless partner who has all the knowledge to create music,
she told on CNN Tech.
“But I feel the final product belongs to me. I choose and reject what I want. There is much more control over the whole spectrum of a production”,
she adds.
Southern gave some instructions on the speed of the track, the style and the instruments she would prefer for orchestration. The program showed her the first piece of work. Southern agreed and proceeded to cooperate with small interventions and then chose to put her lyrics and chorus.
“I was experimenting with musical genres I did not know, now whatever the artificial intelligence suggests to me, puts me on the edge.”
According to her, the very process of producing a piece of music has been accelerated at least 20 times.
Her new work points out that artificial intelligence can be a valuable, tireless and conscientious partner in the music industry.
“People as creators will not disappear”,
comments Drew Silverstein, CEO of Amper Music.
“We are interested not to spend 10,000 man hours and thousands of dollars to express your creativity.”
Source: www.cnn.gr
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