Artificial intelligence system discovers 40 thousand unknown substances for biological weapons in a few hours

Artificial intelligence system discovers 40 thousand unknown substances for biological weapons in a few hours
© Artificial intelligence system discovers 40 thousand unknown substances for biological weapons in a few hours

At a conference on the negative effects of new advanced technologies, the young American biotechnology company “Collaborations Pharmaceuticals” decided to conduct an experiment:

The company has modified the algorithms in the artificial intelligence program that it uses, so that —instead of producing positive results, i.e. the discovery of chemicals useful to humans— it tries to find dangerous chemicals and more specifically toxic agents that could be used in chemical weapons!

The result was technically amazing, but at the same time really… nightmarish! The system managed, in a period of six hours, to discover 40 thousand hitherto unknown substances for use in chemical weapons! Some of them are nerve agents, with a function similar to the VX developed by the British army in the 1950s; and a small drop of it can kill a person in 60 seconds.

The idea of ​​transforming the artificial intelligence system into a mechanism for mass production of death tools, was discussed during the “Convergence Conference”, organized by the “Swiss Federal Institute for Nuclear Biological and Chemical Protection”.

It was decided to conduct the experiment in order to explore the potential of the new generation of technological tools in the development of chemical and biological weapons, even if unintentionally.

The results of the experiment are presented in a publication in the journal “Nature”.


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